
Walter Brendel Award

The Walter BRENDEL Award will be elected from the 6 papers on experimental research with the highest score presented during the Walter BRENDEL Award session. The awarded paper will be presented in the annual meetings of the sister societies (SUS, SRS, SARS). The award (€ 2500) is for the travel expenses of the annual meetings of the sister societies and will be reimbursed by the society after the declaration of the awardee. The registration and accommodation of these three meetings will be covered by sister societies.


B. BRAUN Scientific Award 2010

B. BRAUN Melsungen AG sponsors the B. BRAUN Scientific Award (€ 1.000) for an outstanding scientific work characterized by clinical relevance and/or applicability in daily clinical routine. The committee includes members of the award committee and a representative of the company.


Yound Investigator Award

The Young Investigator Awards (€ 500) will be selected from 6 highest scored oral presentations during the course of the congress for an outstanding presentation and discussion of scientific work. The prize committee includes members of the award committee.


Best Clinical Research Paper

The Best Clinical Research Paper (€ 500) will be selected from 6 highest scored oral presentations during the course of the congress for an outstanding presentation and discussion of scientific work. The prize committee includes members of the award committee.


Poster Awards

Two best poster presentations will be selected for Poster awards (€250) on the basis of the preparation the abstracts, designing of the poster and concise presentation during the guided poster tours.


ESOT-YPT Grant for the Best Abstract in Transplantation

The ESOT-YPT award will be assigned to a young professional (under 40 years of age), who has submitted the best abstract to the ESSR Congress. The awardee will receive a free registration for the next edition of the European Transplant Fellow Workshop (ETFW). For more information please visit: This Grant is supported by European Society for Organ Transplantation Young Professionals in Transplantation Committee (ESOT-YPT).