
Venue site

Budapest Marriott Hotel
H-1052 Budapest,
Apáczai Csere János u. 4.,
Googlemaps (see below)


Furthermore, the Precongress Courses on 21, May 2014 will take place in the Semmelweis University:

Advanced Laparoscopy -Skill Labor in

  • "George Berci" Surgical Training and Research Laboratory / Department of Surgical Research and Techniques.
    Adress: Nagyvárad tér 4., Budapest
    Website / GoogleMaps

The Advanced Hepato-Biliary Cadaveric Surgery Simulation Course in

  • Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology. 
    Adress: Tuzolto u. 58., Budapest
    Website / GoogleMaps


Marriott Hotel Budapest (venue)