About ESSR


The Society right from the beginning was founded in a spirit of internationalism, of conjoining researchers and scientists from different European countries and overseas, from clinical and experimental research and from various disciplines. The ESSR, formerly the ESES -European Society for Experimental Surgery -was founded the 17th February 1966 near Nancy, France. In the past it was felt that the term 'experimental surgery' was more and more inadequate to describe the complexity of research in surgery. At the General Assembly in Salzburg, May 16th 1974, it was decided to change the name of The Society to 'European Society for Surgical Research' - ESSR. The Society has now 697 members from 43 different countries all over the world.



At that time this basic concept -namely to bring together surgeons and engineers, immunologists and biologists and so forth -was outrageously new and effective. Today the concept still is valid, but the large number of specialist meetings, concentrating just on one or two topics, seem to threaten the acceptance of a Society that covers all aspects of surgical research. However, it has to be emphasized that The Society has several outstanding features, that are not shared by any other research society: Besides the multidisciplinary, multinational and -sometimes - multilingual aspects, probably one of the most distinctive features is The Society's stress on youth and the promotion of young researchers. There are age limits not only for the president and the General Committee (45 years) but also for the most prestigeous award of the Society, the Walter- Brendel-Award (45 years). There are a varying number of Young Researcher Awards per year (age limit 30 to 35 years) and finally the Student Award, especially for undergraduate researchers presenting their work at the annual meeting.

More information: www.essr.info


ESSR BOARD 2013-2014 

ESSR General Committee

  • Mustafa Cikirikcioglu (Geneva, Switzeland)
    Past Secretary General
    Past Member at Large
    Past 1st & 2nd Vice President 2013
    Congress President 2010

  • Frank Dor (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
    Secretary General
    Past Member at Large 2 

  • Rene Tolba (Aachen, Germany)
    Past 1st & 2nd vice president 2011
    Congress President 2011

  • Attila Szijarto (Budapest, Hungary)
    1st Vice President
    Congress President 2014
    Past 2nd vice president

  • Thomas Theologou (London, UK)
    2nd Vice President
    Congress President 2015

  • Thomas Hubert (Lille, France)
    Member at Large 1
    Congress Organizer 2012

  • Osman Yuksel (Ankara, Turkey)
    Member at Large 2
    Past 1st & 2nd vice president
    Congress President 2013

  • Mehmet Fatih Can (Ankara, Turkey)
    Member at Large 3
    Congress Organizer 2013


ESSR Scientific Committee 2013-2014

  • M. Cainzos (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)


ESSR Trusties 2013-2014

  • B. Jeppson (Malmö, Sweden)
  • M. Boros (Szeged, Hungary)


ESSR Board 2013-2014