
The ESSR initial objective is to encourage the development and expansion of high quality basic and clinical surgical research activity and to promote education in this field. The quality issues are also of great importance to competitiveness across the world; we must promote and demonstrate them. Continuous improvement in surgical research is no longer the only answer to the challenges we are facing in this world which becomes more and more complex, at high speed.

Thinking, acting and realizing breakthroughs in a different way, seems to be the only solution.
Budapest is a one of the most beautiful cities of Europe with banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter, Andrássy Avenue, Heroes' Square and the Millennium Underground Railway, the second oldest in the world and the world's largest thermal watercave system. The weather in May is pleasant, the temperature is about 20-25 oC, but higher is not uncommon at this time of the year, rain of course is possible.

Please visit our beautiful city Budapest, the capital of Hungary, which is famous of its hospitality, culture, city tours and tasty gastronomy, and do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need more information.


Attila Szijártó, MD, PhD 
Congress President

Prof. György Wéber, MD, PhD
Honorary President

Péter Ónody, MD
Congress General Secretary

From left to right: Attila Szijártó (MD, PhD), Péter Onody (MD) and Prof. György Wéber (MD,PhD).