
Please register online or use the enclosed registration form; use one form per participant. You may also download the form from the official congress website ( and submit it electronically.

All applications should be accompanied by full payment of the registration fees and lodging costs. Registration forms should be sent to the conference secretariat.

Please note that upon receiving the full amount of the registration fee, a written confirmation of registration will be sent to you.

All congress materials will be available at the registration desk at the conference venue during the congress.


Registration fees

  • ESSR member fee
    • € 350,- / € 400,-
  • Non-member fee
    • € 440,- / € 470,-
  • Undergraduate
    • € 150,- / € 170,-
  • Resident/Trainee under 30 years*
    • € 250,- / € 270,-
  • Developing countries**
    • € 250,- / € 270,-
  • Accompanying person
    • € 120,- / € 150,-

Registration fee for participants includes: name badge, congress bag, access to all scientific programs of Congress, program and abstract book, concert on Wednesday afternoon, welcome reception on Wednesday evening, lunch on Thursday, Friday, coffee and soft drink tickets.

Registration fee for accompanying persons includes: concert on Wednesday afternoon, welcome reception on Wednesday evening, English speaking guided sight-seeing tour on Thursday.


Conditions of payment

By registering to the congress you are able to pay for the reserved services either by;

  1. BANK TRANSFER: a copy of the bank transfer has to be sent to Convention Budapest Ltd attached to the registration.

    Bank: K&H Bank
    H-1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9., Hungary
    Swiftcode: OKHBHUHB
    IBAN: HU2610201006 60195559 00000000

    You may authorise Convention Budapest Kft. to debit the credit card with fee of the services. Credit card facilities are available for: EURO /MasterCard, VISA, AMEX. Please indicate type of card, number, expiry date, cardholder's name on card and signature to confirm the amount being paid.

    In case of using credit card we are kindly asking you to give us CVV code of the credit card as well.



Confirmation and the corresponding receipt will be sent upon receipt of the payment and hotel accommodation form.


Payments, cancellations & refunds

To guarantee any accommodation and registration the payment of your full stay and your registration fee are required. In case of any cancellation up to March 28, 2014, costs will be refunded less 50 EUR for administration costs. After this date payments cannot be refunded under any circumstances. In case of late cancellations (after March, 28, 2014) rooms cancelled, cancelled nights, or in case of no show, we keep the right to charge the full stay, in case if the hotel room cannot be re-sold.

Online registration