ESSR-ESOT/YPT Career Development Session

Chair(s): Dávid Ágoston Kovács, Attila Szijártó (Moderator: Frank Dor)

10:00 - 12:00h at Erszebet Room (A)

Invited lecturer: René Tolba, Thomas van Gulik, Róbert Langer


  • Introduction of YPT and aim of the session.
    David Kovacs

  • Clinical and scientific excellence – friends or foes?

  • Job or mission?- Who decides if you will have a career in transplantation?

  • Future of Online Education is Now Indispensable or just a Vision?


ESSR (European Society for Surgical Research) right from the beginning was founded in a spirit of internationalism, of conjoining researchers and scientists from different European countries and overseas, from clinical and experimental research and from various disciplines. At that time the basic concept - namely to bring together surgeons and engineers, immunologists and biologists and so forth - was outrageously new and effective. Today the concept still is valid, but the large number of specialist meetings, concentrating just on one or two topics, seems to threaten the acceptance of a Society that covers all aspects of surgical research. However, it has to be emphasized that The Society has several outstanding features that are not shared by any other research society: Besides the multidisciplinary, multinational and -sometimes - multilingual aspects, probably one of the most distinctive features is The Society's stress on youth and the promotion of young researchers.

YPT (Young Professionals in Transplantation) was designed to establish and maintain a network of young ESOT (European Society for Organ Transplantation) members under the age of 40 years, who want to become clinical and/or scientific experts in the field of transplantation. YPT wants to help young transplant professionals to enter the community of ESOT and therefore represents ESOT as a clinical, scientific and especially educational entity, which can help young professionals in their individual career development. We collaborate closely with the Educational Committee in order to endorse high scientific and clinical standards for every YPT member. Together we promote educational programs and are actively involved in the organization of „cutting edge" scientific sessions, career development meetings and networking events on ESOT-associated congresses all over Europe through international collaboration with the national transplant societies.

Working on related parts of surgery and facing with similar challenges as a new initiative ESOT- YPT and ESSR decided to start collaboration during the upcoming Congress of ESSR will be held in Budapest, Hungary, 21-24 May 2014.

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  • Speaker(s)