PP 09. Comparison Of Stapled And Ligasure Hemorrhoidectomy In Grade 3 Hemorrhoidal Disease

G. Celikkol, H. Koray Sezer, I. Celikkol, M. Oztas

18:58 - 19:04h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Stapled hemorrhoidectomy (SH) and Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy (LH) are standard for hemorrhoidal disease treatment, but the surgical principle is different. We compared stapled haemorrhoidectomy with Ligasure haemorrhoidectomy in patients with grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease

Material and Methods
This study was carried out between 2009-2010. Prospectively collected records of 39 patients who underwent surgical treatment for with grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease were retrospectively assessed. Patients were divided into two groups SH (n=19) and LH (n=20) groups. Postoperative pain, time to return to normal activity, incidence of complications and recurrence rates were compared between the two groups. The follow-up period was 36 months.

The total pain score (sum of all pain scores) was significantly higher in the ligasure group (45 (range, 10-80) vs. 21.05 (range 0-40), P = 0.01). Ligasure haemorrhoidectomy technique patients resumed work later (mean 15.8 vs.12.1 days; P < 0.05). Incidence of compilications and recurrence rate was higher after SH but not significantly Four patients required further surgery to remove symptomatic external hemorrhoids after stapled hemorrhoidectomy One patients in the stapled group developed new symptoms of fecal urgency and anal pain.

Altough in early postoperative period stapled haemorrhoidectomy is an effective treatment for grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease with significant advantages for patients compared with ligasure haemorrhoidectomy, such as less pain and earlier return to work, some patients develop new
symptoms of fecal urgency and increase recurrence rate in long term follow-up.