PP 15. Late Stomal Complication Colostomy Prolapse

R. Senocak, E. Samadov, S. Kaymak, E. Lapsekili, Z. Kilbas, A Harlak

19:34 - 19:42h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Objective: Colostomy prolapsus is defined as full thickness protruding of stoma from colonic wall. It occurs with a frequency up to 16%. It is frequently seen in loop colostomy constructed patients with significant additional disease during immediate surgery. The prolapse can be managed by various surgical options and usually one of the options including colopexy, mucopariatel fixation, excision of protruding segments and skin/mucosa resuturation or stoma creation from different area with laparotomy can be preferred.

Material and Methods
Case: The patient having performed with permanent loop colostomy due to paraplegia rising after an injury by gunshot wounding 18 years ago was operated because of progressively developing prolapsus (15 cm in length) from distal limb for 10 years. At surgical exploration, it was observed that loop colostomy had been practised from ascending colon and that protruding segment had extended to transverse colon after reduction. It was decided to relocate the stoma to different place and rigt hemicolectomy + mucus fistula was performed. The patient was discarged without complication on postoperative 7th day.


Although it is infrequently seen, the colostomy prolapsus is annoying for both the surgeon and patient. The most effective solution for long term is to relocate the stoma.