PP 20. Structural Changes In Small Intestine After Resection Of Its Proximal Part

I. Fedoriv, V. Knygynytskyy, Y. Popovych

18:34 - 18:40h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session , Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Session: Poster (P2) - Gastrointestinal Surgery / Minimal Invasive

We investigated 25 sexually mature white rats. In 10 of them was removed 50% of the small intestine, on 1 cm distal from trigeminal ligament. Intact rats and animals that underwent laparotomy (15) served as control.

Material and Methods
Operations and biopsy specimens were performed under general ketaminov anesthesia. 7 days after resection of the bowel morphometric on histological sections which were colored by hema-toxilineozine.

The thickness of the wall of the small intestine is increased in both departments, but it is more expressed in the ileum (at 20.47%) compared to the jejunum (at 12.09%): and reaches to the jejunum (775,14 ± 4,21) microns and in the ileum to (734,70 ± 8,46) mm, according to (681,41 ± 4,77) m and (584,28 ± 8,51) microns in controls (P <0.001). It is more expressed in the ileum and also it is increased villi height and width of the villi. In the jejunum these figures are 587,19 ± 5,45 m and 77,16 ± 2,18 mm (in control 566,28 ± 8,89 m and 65,09 ± 1,78, P <0.001).

So on the 7th day after surgery the prevailing in the small intestine is a violation of hemodynamics and on the 30th day - the compensatory-adaptive changes due to hypertrophic processes.