PP 22. Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach To Complicated Recurrent P. Sinus

V. Onur Gul, M. Ince, S. Ozer, E. Etkin, S. Ahioglu, V. Cimin, D. Sen

18:46 - 18:52h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session , Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Session: Poster (P2) - Gastrointestinal Surgery / Minimal Invasive

In this case, single stage surgical treatment of Recurrent Pilonidal Sinus Case Fistulized in The Gluteal Region that we have treated with minimal tissue loss and inflamation is described.

Material and Methods
22 years old male patient has undergone Pilonidal Sinus Exicion and Primary Closure operation one year ago. He has applied to our clinic with the complaints of pain and foul smelling discharge onset six months ago.The physical examination,in prone position, a scar tissue related to surgery undergone in intergluteal region, in this scar tissue two pieces of recurrent pilonidal sinus orifices close to anal canal, aproximately in 8 cm distance, from these lesions approximately at a distance of 15 cm, at 7 o'clock level, two pieces of secondary sinĂ¼s orifices are observed.We detected that orifices at both side were affiliated with each other.

Two separate minimal ellipsoidal incision was performed for the patient who takes primary and secondary sinus orifices separately inside, in a way to lose minimal tissue. Fistula tract,subcutaneously unblock excised together with the tunnel shaped sinus orifices in a way to leave intact tissue between both incisions.After primary closure of both side wounds, Relapse Pilonidal Sinus Excision and Subcutaneous Fistulectomy in tunnel shape was performed.Complication and recurrence did not develop.

The result; in pilonidal sinus disease, although application of minimal invasive surgical techniques should be supported with clinical researches,this method can take place between primary methods not only for primary pilonidal sinus disease, but also in complicated and recurrence sinus treatment.