PP 28. A Rare Complication Of Antikoagulant Therapy Simulating Duodenal Tumor

B. Saricik, E. Duran, I. Erbas, Y. Polat

19:22 - 19:28h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session , Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Session: Poster (P2) - Gastrointestinal Surgery / Minimal Invasive

We present an interesting case of duodenal hematoma in a male patient who admitted to our hospital with chest pain.

Material and Methods
Cardiovasculary surgery was planned. In preoperative evaluation anemia was detected. Ethiology of anemia was gastrointestinal bleeding. Duodenum was found to be stenotic due to duodenal mass in endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract.

There was bleeding on the mass, so biopsy wasn't performed. Endoscopy was repeated after gastrointestinal bleeding treatment and there was no mass in duodenum wall. There was no bleeding. Ultrasonography and CT findings revealed normal anatomy of duoedenalwall. The diagnosis of mass was duodenal hematoma which was resolved after hemorrhage treatment.

Duodenal haematoma developed as a complication of antikoagulant therapy.