OP 46. NIM-811 Reduces Skeletal Muscle Damages and Renal Complications After Lower Limb Vascular Operation

D. Garbaisz, Z. Turóczi, P. Arányi, A Fülöp, O. Rosero, E. Hermesz, P. Onody, G. Lotz, L. Harsányi, A. Szijártó

Chair(s): Gábor Szabó, Beat Walpoth & Violetta Kékesi

18:00 - 18:10h at Erszebet Room (A)

Categories: Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session V - Cardiac and Vascular Surgery I

Vascular operations on lower extremities cause ischemic-reperfusion (IR) injury and rhabdomyolysis of skeletal muscle, which could induce remote kidney injury. NIM-811 has mitochondria specific effects. Our aim was to reduce damages in skeletal muscle and in the kidney after IR of the lower limb with NIM-811.

Material and Methods:
Wistar rats underwent 180 minutes bilateral lower limb ischemia and 240 minutes reperfusion. Animals were divided into four groups called Sham (vehicle; n= 10pcs), NIM-sham (NIM- 811+vehicle; n=10pcs), IR (vehicle+IR; n=10pcs), and NIM-IR (NIM-811+vehicle+IR; n=10pcs). Serum, urine and histological samples were taken. NADH-tetrazolium staining, muscle Wet/Dry (W/D) ratio calculations, and laser Doppler-flowmetry (LDF) were performed. Renal peroxynitrite concentration, serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels were measured.

Lesser extent of histopathological alterations was presented in the NIM-IR group compared to the IR group. The serum necroenzyme levels were significantly lower in the NIM-IR group than in the IR group (LDH:p=0.01; CK:p=0.04). Muscle mitochondrial viability proved significantly higher (p<0.001) and renal function parameters were significantly better (creatinin:p=0.002; FENa:p=0.01) in the NIM-IR group compared to the IR group. Level of serum TNF-α was significantly lower (p=0.04), as well as W/D ratio and peroxynitrite concentration were significantly lower (W/D:p=0.04; peroxynitrite concentration:p=0.003) in the NIM-IR group compared to the IR group.

NIM-811 could have the potential of reducing rhabdomyolysis and the impairment of the kidney after lower limb IR injury.