PP 77. Results in Patients Greater than 80 Years Old after Colorectal Surgery

R. Joos, D. Schraffl, P. Villiger

16:48 - 16:54h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

There are several challenges in surgical treatment of colorectal diseases in patients over 80. Our goal was to determine outcomes after colorectal surgery with postoperative quality of life (evaluated according to SF-36) and mortality.

Material and Methods
This study includes postoperative colorectal surgery patients over 80 years between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2013. Data was taken from our hospital database, general practitioner and patient interviews. We included curative and palliative as well as elective and emergency

One hundred and seven patients (46 male, 61 female, age between 80 and 99 years, mean age 87,2 +/- 5 years) were studied. Median follow up was 29 months. Five patients were lost to follow up. The overall mortality rate was 39,2 %. The 30 - day mortality rate of all patients was 13 %. Ten of 14 patients that died within the first 30 days had an emergency surgery. Based on SF-36 results, most of surviving patients had an improvement in postoperative quality of life. Patients without benefit most often claimed aggravation of pre-existing defecation problems. The
correlation between ASA score and functional renal impairment mortality was highest in first 30 days.

Operation in patients over 80 years is safe. Emergency surgery has a much higher mortality rate than elective surgery. Risk factors include a high ASA score and functional renal impairment. Postoperative survivors demonstrated superior SF-36 scores and improved quality of life.