OP 76. The Procedure of Laparoscopic Lymphadenectomy for Right-Sided Advanced Colon Cancer

H. Egi, M. Okajima, T. Hinoi, M. Shimomura, H. Sawada, M. Hattori, H. Ohdan

Chair(s): György Wéber, Mehmet Fatih Can & Norbert Németh

8:10 - 8:20h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Oral Session, Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Session: Oral Session IX - Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Recently, several studies have revealed the oncological safety of laparoscopic surgery against to colon cancer. Moreover, laparoscopic surgery expected to be standard treatment not only early colon cancer but also advanced colon cancer. Hence, safe procedures of lymphadenectomy have to be established as soon as possible.When laparoscopic surgery for right-sided advanced colon cancer is performed, care must be taken to not injure any other organs and occur bleeding. The aim of this report is to describe our technique of safe lymphadenectomy for advanced right-sided colon cancer.

Material and Methods
After establishing the operating field, we can see the avascular site of mesocolon. Our method for approaching right-sided colon cancer is to open this avascular site of mesentery through which we can first see the duodenum, and then make a dissection between the mesocolon and Gerota's fascia. This method allows us to reach on the front of duodenum and pancreas safely, and to make it easy to detect Superior mesenteric vein (SMV), Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)and their branch.

With this new, we are now able to safely perform laparoscopic surgery with D3 lymphadenectomy and have so far experienced no intraoperative complications.

Our approach is a very useful approach because we can reach on the duodenum and pancreas easily, and detect SMV and SMA which have some variations of their branch.