OP 82. A New Minimally Access Hydrocelectomy

A Saber

Chair(s): György Wéber, Mehmet Fatih Can & Norbert Németh

9:10 - 9:20h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Oral Session, Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

Session: Oral Session IX - Robotic and Minimal Invasive Surgery

While controversy exists about the treatment of hydrocele; hydrocelectomy remains the treatment of choice for the management of hydroceles. Standard surgical procedures for hydrocele may cause postoperative discomfort and complications. To ascertain the acceptability of minimally access hydrocelectomy through 2 cm incision and the outcome as regard morbidity reduction and recurrence rate.

Material and Methods
42 adult patients, aged 18-56 years underwent hydrocelectomy as day case procedure through 2 cm scrotal skin incision and excision only of a small disc of the parietal tunica vaginalis Result The operative time ranged between 12-18 minutes and the mean was 15 minutes. The outcome measures included patient satisfaction, postoperative complications

This procedure requires minor dissection and minimal manipulation during treatment. It also resulted in no recurrence, minimal complications and requires a short operative time.

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