PP 48. Clincopathologic Features of Patients with Above 5-Year Survival after Colorectal

E. Duran, Z. Kilbas, M. Fatih Can, M. Tahir Ozer, N. Ersoz, M. Tanriseven, S. Demirbaş

18:28 - 18:34h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Poster Session , Surgical Oncology

Session: Poster (P4) - Surgical Oncology

The 5-year survival rate for colorectal cancer (CRC) vary by stage. It is between 5 and 90%. The aim of this study is to evaluate clinicopathologic features of patients with above 5-year survival after CRC resection.

Material and Methods
Patients undergoing CRC resection from 2000 to 2008 were included. Patient characteristics, type of surgery, pathologic results and recurrens rates were analyzed. Data were reviewed prospectively.

A total of 151 patients with above 5-year survival after CRC resection were operated during this study period. The mean age of the patients was 57.2. The ratio of male to female was 100/51. A total of 51 patients were operated on for rectal cancer and 100 patients were operated on for colon cancer. Only 8 patients presented as emergencies. Among 151 patients, 21 were stage I, 67 were stage II, 37 were stage III and 21 were stage IV. 21 patients developed recurrence.

This study shows that despite the improved diagnostic techniques colorectal cancer is being diagnosed late.