OP 88. Telescoping Colonic Anastomosis in Dogs

A Saber, G. Mohamed, H. Shekidef

Chair(s): Norbert Németh, Ivo Post & Thomas Hubert

10:40 - 10:50h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session X - Innovative Surgical Research

Colorectal anastomotic leakage remains one of the most feared post-operative complications. The telescoping technique has been used but never widely acclaimed. The aim was to study both the external and internal features and the microscopic configuration of the invaginating

Material and Methods
After the scheduled three- week's post-operative period, animals were reopened for second-look aparotomy to detect: external appearance of the anastomosis, internal appearance of the anastomosis and histopathological study

Good and fair ratings were seen for external and internal appearance of the anastomosis while no poor rating were detected in our experiments. Microscopic study revealed good healing process of the anastomotic lines.

Our data showed that the telescopic anastomosis is a secure, easy to be constructed, fast and cheap procedure for colonic anastomoses.