OP 89. Lasheen’s Needles for Closure of Wound of PNS and Trocar Port

A Lasheen

Chair(s): Norbert Németh, Ivo Post & Thomas Hubert

10:50 - 11:00h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session X - Innovative Surgical Research

Pilonidal disease is a common chronic disorder of the sacrococcygeal region; and its surgical manage-ment is still a matter of discussion. The ideal therapy would be a quick cure that allowed patients to return rapidly to normal activity, that is minimally invasive with no morbidity, a low risk of complication and easy to learn

Material and Methods
Sixty seven patients with pilonidal disease were subjected to excision and partial closure procedure, from November 2006 to March 2010 at General Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospital, Zagazig University, Egypt. The mean age was 27.5 years. Complete but close excision of all diseased tissues was achieved. Then, the wound partially was closed from the deepest parts only by multiples buried vertical mattress sutures by using Lasheen's needle, and left the superficial wound parts to heal by second intention. The follow up period was ranged from 14 - 39 months (mean 27 months)

The mean hospital stay was 12 hours, mean operation time was 30 minutes and mean time to return to normal activity was 8 days (range 7 - 12 days). Nine cases show superficial wound infection and one case of recur-rence.

Excision and partially closure technique by using Lasheen's needle for pilonidal diseases is minimal invasive and less morbidity, easy to learn and has favorable results regarding to return to normal activity, rate of recur-rence and cosmetically acceptable.

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