OP 92. Cognition Guided Liver Surgery

M. Hafezi, A Mehrabi, B. Mueller, L. Maier-Hein, A Saffari, H. Kenngott, M. Buechler

Chair(s): Norbert Németh, Ivo Post & Thomas Hubert

11:20 - 11:30h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session X - Innovative Surgical Research

The importance of symbiosis of technology and surgery has been emphasized. Without technological innovation there is no progress in surgery. Technology assistes surgeons to enable a higher quality patient care. However, more and more problems interface between different systems and surgeons. It means, although there are always more powerful systems e.g. in image processing but there is only limited possible to combine these data.

Material and Methods
For liver surgery, there are very precise image tools to measure remnant liver volume. Additionally, more complex information like liver function, intraoperative spatial relationships remains out of consideration. Consideration of such information to determine final cut for removal of a tumor and success depends on surgeon. But even highly experienced surgeons in critical situations make errors where they find a suboptimal solution.

The Cognition Guided Surgery thinks like a human wizard. The system takes pre-, intra -and postoperative information and interpret them. The system continuously perceives process and relevant data (perception). It takes the experiential knowledge (knowledgebase) and recognizes the current situation based on data, (interpretation) and if necessary performs appropriate action. It means the simulation of liver resection and target structures for safe execution of next operation step (action).

Crucial requirement for cognitive system is a common platform, will be merged and integrated various modular components. Close interdisciplinary collaboration with clinical partners will remove the clinical requirements. By using a cognitive system it will be easier for surgeon in the future, to find an ideal therapy for patients and these perform with optimal quality