PP 61. Choledocholithiasis and Hepatitis 30 Days after Laparoscopic Surgery

U. Mehmet Meral, O. Hancerliogullari

18:16 - 18:22h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster (P5) - Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery

We wanted to share a patient who was operated for cholelithiasis 30 days ago and admitted with abdominal pain to our second level hospital.

Material and Methods
57 year old male patient underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. He was discharged without any complication postoperatively. Postoperative(PO) control was performed in 10th day. He admitted with complaint of epigastric pain sudden onset, especially hitting back at the PO 30th day. Physical examination and vital signs were normal. Routine biochemical stuides planned for acute pancreatitis which was our preliminary diagnosis for this patient. ALT/AST levels were increased 20 times normal and ALP/GGT levels were increased 10 times normal. All types of bilirubines were in normal levels. CBC was normal.Hepatobiliary ultrasound(US) was normal and there was no finding about bile duct pathologies.

We decided to perform ERCP and sent him to third level hospital. ERCP performed and it had seen that there was a 6 mm stone in the common bile duct which was not seen in the US and it was extirpated. No complications observed after procedure and the liver enzyme levels decreased in about 15 days.

Common bile duct stone and hepatitis are possible complications after bile system surgery. Hepatitisis also caused by general anesthesia without any bile system complication. ERCP is an convenient solution for this problems. It should be remembered after this type surgical prosedures in hospitals with low workload about this patient group.