PP 69. Radical or Conservative Surgery for Hepatic Hydatic Cysts?

E. Duran, Z. Kilbas, N. Ersoz, N. Zeybek, O. Kozak

19:04 - 19:10h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster (P5) - Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery

Cystic hydatid disease mainly affects the liver. Surgery is still considered the gold standard treatment. Two surgical treatment options (radical or conservative surgery) exist and the preferred management is unclear. The aim of this study is to review results of two surgical methods.

Material and Methods
The literature was reviewed from January 2009 to December 2013. Data was obtained through Pubmed search. Published studies involving the treatment of uncomplicated hepatic hydatic cysts were included. 4 articles were included in this study.

Of 1569 patients who underwent liver surgery for hepatic hydatic cysts treatment had documented. Conservative surgery was established in 1090 patients and 479 patients were performed radical surgical approach. Local recurrence rate of the cysts was lower in the radical (%2) versus conservative surgery group (.8). Operative mortality was 2.5% for conservative procedures and 6.4% for radical procedures. Postoperative complications was 48% and 31% for conservative and radical procedures, respectively.

Radical procedure which is a method of choice resulted in a low rate of recurrence and post-surgical complications. We consider more radical surgical approach.