OP 99. Geriatric Aspects of Colorectal Surgery in Oroshaza, Hungary

I. Zöllei, A Ali

Chair(s): Jiri Fronek, Ignacio Garcia Alonso & Olivér Rosero

10:50 - 11:00h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session XI - Gastrointestinal Surgery I

Both the incidence and the natural mortality of cancer rise with advancing age. Surgery is regularly applied in the treatment of elderly patients with colon cancer, while chemotherapy is less frequently offered. Radiotherapy, as part of complex therapy of colon cancer, is not
acceptable because of its side-effects. Neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy is more frequently used in the complex therapy of rectal cancer
of "young" patients, but it is not so popular in the geriatric group.

Material and Methods
During the last 8 years 412 operations were performed electively or urgently because of colon cancers in Oroshaza. The ages of 226 patients were lower than 70 years and the ages of 186 patients were over than 70 years. During thatperiod 240 operations were performed electively or urgently because of rectal cancers in Oroshaza. The ages of 130 patients were lower than 70 years and the ages of 110 patients were over. Authors applied relatively the same radical surgical tactics in both groups.

Comorbities were much higher in both elderly groups. The early postoperative mortality rate of younger group was 3,09 % and 4,5 % was in the elderly group. The postoperative surgical complications were similar in both groups. Relatively large difference was found in the cardiac complications.

The early postoperative mortality rates were acceptable in both groups (elective and urgent cases together):3,09 % (in youngers) and 4,5 % (in elderly group). The "relatively radical" surgical treatment gave chance to have good quality of life in the elderly groups..