PP 80. Outcomes for Consecutive Single-Site Laparoscopic Ileocolectomy

M. Yoshimitsu, M. Emi, H. Mukaida, M. Akahane, I. Ohmori, M. Kano, T. Ikeda, A Nakashima, Y. Kai, M. Yamamoto, M. Hunakoshi, N. Hirabayashi, W. Takiyama

17:06 - 17:12h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Single-site laparoscopy represents an innovation may be limited by technical challenges. Especially single-site laparoscopic colectomy (SLC) has an emerging concept and a current dearth of outcomes data.

Material and Methods
A retrospective review of prospectively collected data was performed on initially consecutive single-site laparoscopic ileocolectomy. Patient characteristics and operative details were collected, and outcomes were analyzed.

Between 2011 and 2013, 18 SLC procedures were performed. Surgeries included all ileocolectomy without D3 lymphoadenectomy. There was no conversion to conventional multiport laparoscopic surgery and laparotomy. Patients had 10 males. Median age was 69 (47- 84). Median body mass index was 20.4(17.4-27.2). Median operation time was 185(136- 270mins). Median beeding was 30ml(0-100ml). The most frequent indication for surgery was early colon cancer (n=11), followed by appendial mucocele (n=3), adenoma (n=2) and malignant lymphoma (n=2). Tumors had been located on 9cecums, 5ascendings, 3appendices and 2 ileums. 2patients had undergone previous abdominal surgery, gastrectomy and gynecological surgery. Mean length of hospital stay after operation was 10 days. There was one anastomotic leak, no postoperative bleeding, no surgical site infections, and no readmission.

Single-site laparoscopic ileocolectomy without D3 lymphoadenectomy is safe and feasible whenapplied to unselected patients undergoing, including those patients who have undergone aprevious laparotomy.