OP 157. Biocompatible Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Nanomatrix for Hernia Repair

D. Fehér, T. Dankó, K. Molnár, A Ferencz, G. Szabó, L. Seres, D. Csukás, O. Bata, I. Bulyovszky, A Jedlovszky-Hajdú, M. Zrinyi, G. Wéber

Chair(s): György Wéber, Nikolay Lvovich Matveev & Péter Ónody

10:10 - 10:20h at Erszebet Room (A)

Categories: Abdominal Wall and Hernia, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session XVII - Abdominal Wall and Hernia

Non-absorbable synthetic mesh for the correction of a hernia has high risk of medical problems. An ideal mesh should be compatible with the human body. This study focusing on these aspects indicate that the poly(vinyl alcohol) nanomatrixes may reduce postoperative complications .

Materials and Methods
To study the interaction and cellular adhesion, poly(vinyl alcohol) solution, poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel, poly(vinyl alchohol) mesh and A549 human lung epithelial cell line (passage:15-25) were used. The cells were seeded at a density of 3x104 cells/well in a 24-well plate and were incubated with the media for 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h,168h. Control group contained A549cells and medium without nanomaterials. The disinfection of the samples were solved with ClO2 that we added to the cell-culture in different doses.

The results show that the cells with the PVA solution and PVA hydrogel could proliferate. The PVA meshes and the degraded parts of the material did not cause any toxic effect for the cells. A549 cells have shown normal morphology, but the cells did not adhere to the surface of the mesh. ClO2 did not cause any adverse effect in the cell-culture.

In vitro tests suggest that the PVA nanomatrixes are biocompatible, allowing the proliferation, and growth of cells, but adhesion character should be clarified.