OP 185. A Possible Approach to Meet Sils Technical Demands: A New Laparo- Endoscopic Device and Camera System

L. Csiky, L. Bihari, Z. Tomcsik, G. Wéber

Chair(s): Modise Koto, Denise Dufrane & Andrea Ferencz

11:20 - 11:30h at Erszebet Room (A)

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session XX - Innovative Surgical Research II

Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) as an already accepted field of MIS still fights with unsolved basic technical issues: limited triangulation, limited manoeuvrability, lack of sufficient strength. We present our Laparo-Endoscopic System (LES) prototype specially constructed for SILS procedures with the aim to answer these challenges. The basic concepts of the LES and similar surgical instruments of other major centers are compared and discussed.

Material and Methods
After a brief review of the existing new technical solutions (EOS, DDES, EndoSamurai, Anubiscope, RealHand HD instruments, etc.), we demonstrate the features and abilities of the LES through dry and animal lab tests. Unlike the recent trends, the LES utilizes a sideward- approach to the operative field, wich consecutively necessitates the development of novel instrumentation. By evaluating the features of this system, we intend to estimate its possible role among the new MIS techniques.

According to our preliminary findings, the LES is able to improve triangulation through the arbitrarily adjustable triangulation distances between the LES-instruments, and to replicate the movements of the conventional laparoscopic technique. For all these the learning curve is relatively short, and the handling of the instruments are fairly simple.

We believe that the sideward-approach concept combined with the adjustable triangulation ability and the laparoscopy-like motion patterns are well worth to proceed with our developmental work.