PP 85. Complex Treatment of Patients with Acute Condition Ulcerative Colitis with Endolymphatic Therapy

P. Andreev, S. Katorkin, A Zhuravlev, A Chernov

17:36 - 17:42h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Improvement of treatment of patients with medium heavy and heavy acute condition of ulcerative colitis by incorporating the medical complex endolymphatic antibacterial and immunostimulation therapy.

Material and Mathods
Study includes 95 patients with heavy and medium heavy forms of acute condition ulcerative colitis. Patients were divided into two groups. In the first group includes 50 patients whose complete treatment of ulcerative colitis was added with endolymphatic therapy. The second group (45) of patients were treated in a standard way.

It was found with the help of clinico-endoscopical and laboratory and morphological studies, as well as microbiological examination of the colon mucosa tissue biopsy that endolymphatic therapy in conservative treatment of patients with patients with acute condition ulcerative colitis proves to be effective. Use of a endolymphatic therapy can reduce the number of noninfectious complications in the postoperative period.

Application of endolymphatic therapy for patients with acute condition ulcerative colitis medium heavy and heavy form is pathogenetic justified and effective.