PP 86. Gastric Cancer Metastasis Causing Unusual Perforation of Sigmoid

N. Samuel, T. Middleton, K. Siddique, L. Wheldon, M. Hanif Shiwani

17:42 - 17:48h at Margrit Room

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P1) - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Linitis plastica is a particularly aggressive form of diffuse-type gastric cancer that generally carries poor prognosis due to its extension beyond locoregional confines at the time of diagnosis. We report one such case with an unusual site of metastasis causing bowel perforation and the median survival time at readmission.

Material and Metheods
Case report : An 80-year-old woman initially presented with upper abdominal pain, early satiety, weight loss and underwent gastroscopy and abdominal CT imaging investigations that revealed linitis plastica of the stomach with no metastases. She declined any further treatment at that stage. Four years later, she presented acutely to the casualty with signs of bowel perforation; an emergency Hartmann’s procedure was performed. Histology of the resected sigmoid colon demonstrated metastatic scirrhous adenocarcinoma in the perforated segment.

Discussion: Classically linitis plastica of the stomach presents late, with the reported median survival time ranging from 18 to 30 months from time of diagnosis. Common metastatic distribution is to liver, peritoneal surfaces and non-regional or distant lymphnodes. This case was unusual in that the octogenarian had survived 4 years prior to re-presenting with transcoelomic metastasis to an unusual distal colon site.

Metastasis of gastric linitis plstica to colon is rare, however it should be considered as a possible differential diagnosis for patients presenting with symptoms of bowel pathology and a past history of gastric cancer.