OP 167. Stimulative Effect of Allogenic Transplanted Sertoli Cells’ Culture on Cryptorchid Testes on Animal Model

G. Kuzin, M. Kamneva, R. Kogula Kumar, N. Nozhina, D. Titarov, E. Smirnova

Chair(s): Jiri Fronek, Mehmet Erikoglu & Mátyás Kiss

9:50 - 10:00h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Oral Session, Organ and Cell Transplantation

Session: Oral Session XVIII - Organ and Cell Transplantation II

It is known that about half of the cases of infertility in marriages are a caused by the male of which about a third is caused by cryptorchidism by frequency [Toppari J, Kaleva M (1999)]. The aim of our research is a study of influence undifferentiated Sertoli cells’ culture on a spermatogenesis after their allogenic transplantation into testicular tissue of cryptorchid testes.

Material and Methods
The study was carried out on 47 juvenile outbred white male rats at age of 20 days. The animals were divided into 3 groups: 1 (10 rats), 2 (10 rats) and 3 (27 rats). In all groups we performed testes’ displacement into abdominal cavity, fixed it to the front abdominal wall and leaved it there in range from 21 days to 90 days depending on the group. Then we made orchiopexy - the operation to descend the testes into the scrotum.A duration of exposition of the rats’ testes of group 1 was 21 days, in group 2 - 30 days, in group 3 - 90 days. In subgroup A of group 3 we injected culture of Sertoli cells in Dulbecco modified Eagles medium (DMEM) 1,2 mm cells/100 microliter in each.

There was medium-scale restoration of spermatogenesis in convoluted seminiferous tubules in group 1 (50,413% average on 28th day after orchiopexy). We could see a lack of reversibility of degenerative processes in the animals’ gonads from group 2 (0%). In group 3 restoration of spermatogenesis to the stage of spermatozoon's was only in subgroup A (32,51%) compare to another subgroups (1,203% ± 0,311%).

Culture of allogenic Sertoli cells cause stimulative effects on restoration of spermatogenesis even in irreversible cases.