OP 198. The Research of The Effects of Lycopene in Mesenteric Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

N. Kahramansoy, H. Erkol, O. Ikiz, E. Kocoglu, T. Firat, M. Tosun

Chair(s): Henrik Thorlacius, József Kaszaki & Mátyás Kiss

12:00 - 12:10h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session XXI - Gastrointestinal Surgery II

In this study inhibitory and reductant effect of antioxidant lycopene was investigated on mesenteric ischemia reperfusion injury.

Materials and Methods
Twentyeight female Wistar albino rats were used. Rats were divided into four groups; sham group, control group (the only group of mesenteric ischemia) and the groups of lycopene given before ischemia, lycopene given after ischemia. Twelve hours after the mesenteric ischemia; blood, tissue and culture samples were taken from rats.

LDH, CK, histological injury score, IgA and bacterial translocation levels of the lycopene given before mesenteric ischemia group were observed, similar to the sham group. Ischemic tissue damage in lycopene given before mesenteric ischemia group was less than the control group. Also average values of CK and LDH which are used as supportive biochemical parameters to show tissue damage; were significantly low in the lycopene given before ischemia group than the control group. Mucosal IgA levels are less in control group the than sham group, whereas are high in lycopene given before mesenteric ischemia group than the control group. Increased bacterial growth was found in the control group rather than the sham group at both mesenteric lymph node culture and blood culture. Lycopene given before mesenteric ischemia group, had same influence with, the sham group on bacterial growth.

It has shown that giving lycopene before mesenteric ischemia decreases tissue damage, reduces loss of mucosal IgA, prevents the loss of intestinal barrier effects of and decreases bacterial translocation by reducing inflamation. Lycopene reduces ischemic reperfusion damage in the intestine.