OP 202. Microarray Analysis after Different Preoperative Dietary Interventions

F. Jongbloed, T. Saat, M. Dollé, H. van Steeg, J. Hoeijmakers, C. Payan Gomez, L. Van Der Laan, J. Ijzermans, R. De Bruin

Chair(s): Henrik Thorlacius, József Kaszaki & Mátyás Kiss

12:40 - 12:50h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Gastrointestinal Surgery, Oral Session, Surgical Nutrition

Session: Oral Session XXI - Gastrointestinal Surgery II

Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is inevitable during transplantation leading to oxidative stress. We previously reported that preoperative dietary restriction (DR), 3-day fasting and protein-free diets protect against IRI while a fat-free or carbohydrate-free (CHO-free) diet do not. To understand underlying mechanisms, we performed microarray analysis and compared gene expressions of (non)-protective diets in search for involved pathways.

Male C57BL/6 mice were randomized to preoperative normal food or:2 weeks 30%DR or a 3- day fasting, protein-free, CHO-free or fat-free diet. Gene expressions of kidneys after each diet were analysed by Affymetrix/Ingenuity. Cut-off for significance was set on fold