OP 171. Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Perforated or Gangrenous Appendicitis: is Intraoperative Irrigation Mandatory?

T. Kubota, K. Miyazaki, K. Mizokami, Y. Kanda, K. Okumura

Chair(s): Attila Szijártó, Miguel Cainzos & Andrea Szabó

8:30 - 8:40h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Emergency Surgery, Oral Session, Wound Healing

Session: Oral Session XIX - Wound Healing & Emergency

Laparoscopic appendectomy is one of most common surgey. In case of perforated or gangrenous appendicitis, intraoperative irrigation (IOI) has been widely used as a routine manner to prevent post operative intraperitoneal abscess (POIPA). Many surgeons believe it is effective and mandatory. However a recent study revealed there are no difference between IOI group and non- IOI group.

Materials and Methods
We reviewed our cases of perforated and gangrenous appendicitis which were treated by laparoscopic appendectomy in our institute from Apri. 2012 to March 2013. They were divided into two groups, one is IOI group, the other is non-IOI group. Age, Sex, Time to admission from the onset, Time to surgery from the admission, Operation time, Complications and duration of the hospitalization of the both groups were examined.

There were sixty-three cases, twenty were IOI group and fourty-three were non-IOI group. There were three POIPA cases in IOI group. On the other hand, no case in non-IOI group. Operation time and duration of the hospitalization were longer in IOI group statistically.

In our experience, no benefits were found in IOI group. Although this was small sized retrospective study, our results were consistent with the latest RCT1) result. We think IOI for perforated or gangrenous appendicitis in laparoscopic appendectomy is not effective and we should abandon the method.

1) St Peter SD, Adibe OO, Iqbal CW, et al. Irrigation versus suction alone during laparoscopic appendectomy for perforated appendicitis: a prospective randomized trial. Ann Surg. 2012; 256: 581-585