OP 204. Laparoscopic Management of Giant Incisional Hernia Relapsing 3 Times After Subsequently Anterior Herniorrhaphy Due to Appendectomy Incision

R. Senocak, E. Samadov, S. Kaymak, M. Fatih Can, Y. Peker

Chair(s): Mehmet Fatih Can & Dávid Ágoston Kovács

11:00 - 11:10h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Abdominal Wall and Hernia, Oral Session, Surgical and Experimental Techniques (video session)

Session: Oral Session XXII - Video Session

In hernia surgery, recurrent incisional hernias consist of a group which their treatment can be difficult and complicated. In this video presentation, experience of a patient with giant incisional hernia managed by laparoscopic repair will be shared. The patient had incisional hernia developed soon after an appendectomy operation in 2006 and thus during one year interval subsequently anterior herniorhaphy was performed 3 times a year due to relapsing recurrences.

Materials and Methods
In a 29 year old patient having abdominal pain and swelling at times in former incision site, incisional hernia with 14x22 cm diameter extending from right flanks area to right lower abdominal quadrant was detected on physical examination. Laparoscopic repair was determined. Total 3 trocars were inserted through umbilicus and left upper and lower quandrant. Adhesions associated hernia defect were removed without disturbing the blood circulation of skin and thus parciel peritoneal dissection was achieved. Dual prosthetic mesh with 20x30cm diameter was placed in abdominal cavity. 9 skin incisions, each one 1cm sized were made around the defect. . Fixation was reinforced by means of laparoscopic tacker. Operation was accomplished with covering prosthetic mesh with dissected peritoneal fold.

On postoperative 1.day, the patient began oral feeding without any developing complication. On postoperative 5.day patient never required analgesic drugs and was discharged following day. The patient has been following for 5 months without any recurrences.

Our case showed that laparoscopic approaches could be a good option representing the advantages of minimal invasive surgery for hernias relapsing and also attaining giant dimension.