OP 143. Surgical Treatment of Patients with Pancreatic Pseudocysts Unformed

A Masocha, S. Katorkin

Chair(s): Robert Langer, Stefan Manekeller & Zoltán Czigány

15:50 - 16:00h at Pest Room (C)

Categories: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session XVI - Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery II

Puncture, catheter intervention under ultrasound is widely used in the immature pancreatic pseudocysts. At the same time there is no clear algorithm for the management of patients with this condition, depending on the type of cyst, its size and develop complications.

Materials and Methods
Observed 110 patients with pancreatic pseudocysts unformed . 56 patients have been performed by percutaneous intervention. According to the classification A.D'Egidio, M.Shein (1991): the first type was 34 (60.7 %), the second type - 15 (26.85 %), the third type - 7 (12.45%) cases. Percutaneous intervention performed under ultrasound guidance using the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus gray scale and in real time. In this case we used the puncture sensors, equipped with nozzles for punctures and convex probe.

All surgical procedures under the supervision of an ultrasound scan performed by us under local anesthesia. Used a specially designed device to puncture and drainage of abdominal structures. Pseudocyst drainage was carried out in three ways: by Seldinger, stiletto-catheter drainage, drainage through the inner lumen of the trocar. Observed 56 patients underwent a total of 114 different minimally invasive interventions under ultrasound. Found that the best results in patients with puncture-catheter interventions were obtained at 1 and 2 type of cysts of the pancreas with a volume of 50 ml.

Thus, the use of minimally invasive catheter interventions puncture-controlled ultrasound in patients with immature pancreatic pseudocysts is a method of choice to avoid surgical trauma and improve the quality of life for patients.