
8:00 - 8:00h at Library of Dept. of Hum. Morph. and Dev. Biology (1-st floor)

Categories: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Precongres course

Session: Advanced hepato-biliary cadaveric surgery simulation course

The Semmelweis University Advanced Hepatobiliary course will be held at the Department of Human Morphology & Developmental Biology, Semmelweis University, in collaboration with the Hepatobiliary Unit, North Manchester General Hospital, UK and the Department of Transplantation & Surgery and the 1st Department of Surgery, Semmelweis University Budapest.

This one‐day hands‐on cadaveric dissection course is aimed at senior‐level trainees and junior consultants with a special interest in hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation.

The course includes demonstrations of hepatic vascular casts highlighting the relevance of surgical anatomy and anatomic anomalies in liver surgery and partial liver transplantation. Candidates will have an opportunity to perform ex‐situ resections on specially‐prepared and CT‐scanned, resin‐impregnated livers taking into account the intrahepatic vascular and biliary anatomy. Emphasis will be placed on planning anatomical as well as parenchyma‐conserving liver resections.

There will also be an opportunity to plan and perform ex situ liver splitting for transplantation. Specially prepared human cadavers will be used to perform liver hilar dissections and various techniques of biliary anastomoses. To enable close one‐to-one supervision, places are limited to 8‐9 applicants with each cadaver and liver shared between two participants.