PP 110. The Role of N-Butyl –2- Cyanoacrylate in the Repair of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injuries

G. Bas, O. Veli Ozkan, O. Alimoglu, R. Eryilmaz, M. Sahin, I. Okan, U. Cevikbas

17:00 - 17:06h at Margrit Room

Categories: Emergency Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P3) - Emergency / Thoracic Surgery

Diaphragmatic injuries either by blunt or penetrating trauma. N-butyl–2-cyanoacrylate(n-butyl-2- CA) is a tissue adhesive which has gained wide application in many areas of surgery. The use of tissue adhesives for mesh fixation may circumvent the potential problems associated with the use of sutures or staples. The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of using tissue adhesives in diaphragmatic repair by synthetic mesh.

Material and Methods
Twenty-four rats were divided into 3 groups each containing 8 rats. A 1cm defect of diaphragm was created. The defect was repaired by polypropylene suture in GroupI.In groupII the defect was repaired by mesh fixed with sutures. GroupIII where the defect was restored by mesh fixed with nbutyl- 2-CA. The rats were sacrificed after 1 month.The episode of hernia and the adhesions were assessed by adhesion density score. Microscopically, the abscess and the inflammation in the repaired tissue were evaluated.

No diaphragmatic hernia was detected in any group. While GroupIII had more adhesion density scores than groupI(p:0.027), there were no differences between groupIII and II(p:0.317) and groupII and I(p=0.095). The inflammation grade was higher in groupIII than groupI and II(p<0.001) and was higher in groupII than groupI(p<0.05). There was no differences between each groups, regarding microabcsess formation(p>0.05).

Repair of traumatic diaphragmatic injury by penetrating wound, with polypropylene mesh fixed by n-butyl-2-CA in rats appears to be as safe as conventional methods.