PP 111. The Results of Treatment the Rectal Cancer Complicated by Obstruction

V. Totikov, Z. Totikov

17:06 - 17:12h at Margrit Room

Categories: Emergency Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P3) - Emergency / Thoracic Surgery

Working out of an optimal surgical treatment in patients with rectal cancer complicated by acute intestinal obstruction

Material and Methods
They were 152 patients. On the basis of the algorithm the stage of rectal permeability was determined. In stage 1 a pre-operative preparation was carried on during 7-10 days. In 2 and 3 stage there was made an attempt of recanalysation of a cancer canal, which appeared to be positive in 16 patients from 72, and that in why further tactics was the same as in stage 1. In negative result in patients with stage 2 during 24 hours, in stage 3-12 hours a loop transversostoma was applied through the mini entrance in right hypochondrium. In the 2 stage emergency operation with anastomosis application was performed in 7-10 days. In stage 4 (peritonitis), operation were performed during 2-3 hours.

In post-operative period 3 (2,0%) patients with stage 4 have died. Different complications have developed in 22 (14,9%) patients.

Our clinico-radiographic classification allows to determine the duration of the pre-operative preparation, type of surgical interference. Introduction of 3-stage operative interferences with shortened interoperative period allows to decrease the number of complications and lethality.