PP 120. Establishment of a Porcine Model in Order to Simulate ARDS Following Esophagectomy

C. Garoussi, M. Hafezi, N. Rezaei, A Saffari, G. Emami, T. Brenner, S. Hofer, A Mehrabi

18:00 - 18:06h at Margrit Room

Categories: Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation

Session: Poster II (P3) - Emergency / Thoracic Surgery

The cause of ARDS after oesophagectomy is unknown but the period of one-lung Anesthesia required during oesophagectomy, as well as collapse and subsequent re-expansion of the nondependent lung may produce lung injury by an ischemic/reperfusion mechanism. A good model imitating the mechanism of ARDS after oesophagectomy will help us to gain a better understanding
of the real pathophysiology and to evaluate the treatment approaches more accurately. This study aimed to establish an animal model in terms of similarity to the clinical situation after oesophagectomy.

Material and Methods
Six landrace pigs under general anesthesia were used to establish ARDS models by Ischemia/reperfusion mechanism (by clamping the hilus of the lung after thoracotomy). Hemodynamic und pulmonary function data were measured. Histopathological assessment was performed to confirm the ARDS.

During the induction of ARDS, blood pressure and central venous pressure were sharply decreased. PH, arterial partial pressure of O2 (PaO2), PaO2/inspired O2 fraction (FiO2) and lung compliance decreased in comparison with baseline. PaO2/FiO2 ratio in all cases was less than 200, as was defined for ARDS and did not elevate after 90-minute stabilization. The pathological alterations
were similar to ARDS. The blotchy hemorrhage of the lung surfaces and bloody forth in the trachea and bronchi were seen. Histologically congestion, hemorrhage and interstitial edema which caused a marked thickening of alveolar walls were detected.

We could establish an easy experimental model in porcine to simulate the clinical setting of ARDS after oesophagectomy which allows for a diversity of studies on ARDS.