PP 124. Urinary Leakage Due to Ureter Necrosis and Unexpected Double J Catheter

M. Erikoglu, M. Balasar, S. Dogan

16:48 - 16:54h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Organ and Cell Transplantation, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P4) - Varia

After renal transplantation, double J catheter-related urinary complications are quite rare. Our aim is to explain urinary leakage resulting from uretery necrosis and double J catheter distortion in a renal transplant patient.

Material and Methods
A 55 year old female cadaveric renal transplantation patient was detected to have a high flow urine leakage on the post-operative third day. She underwent urgent surgery . During the operation, the ureter anastomosis was observed as necrotic. It was excised and a new ureteroneocystostomy was made. At the same time, we inserted a new double J catheter. After this operation on the fifth day, we detected a new urinary leakeage. The abdominal X-ray graphy and unenhanced computerised tomography revealed that the double J catheter kinked in the ureter. The patient underwent a cystoscopy, and the urinary leakage was treated by pulling the double j catheter into the bladder.

In this case, we thought that over dissection of the cadaveric kidney may have caused the necrosis of the ureter, the other leakage resulted from distortion of the double double J catheter.

In conclusion; during the removal of the kidney and ureter, renal hilum dissection must be made more carefully. Double J catheter leakage of urine due to distortion is quite rare. During kidney transplantation, the double J catheter must be selected carefully for accurate size and length and inserted precisely.