PP 126. Scintigraphic Method to Prove the Survival of Autotransplanted Splenic Tissue in Canine Model. A Pilot Study.

I. Mikó, K. Pető, A Furka, K. Nemeth, F. Kiss, G. Kalóczkai, A Deák, T. Nagy, I. Furka, L. Galuska, J. Varga

17:00 - 17:06h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Medical Imaging and Simulations, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P4) - Varia

Spleen saving methods play an important role in the prevention of serious complications. Our aim was to implement a scintigraphic method that identifies functioning residual splenic tissue, separates it from other tissue types, and allows quantitative characterization.

Material and Methods
Tc99m labeled RBCs were used in six groups of beagle dogs: sham-operated (SH, n=1), splenectomized (SE, n=1), partially resected (R1/3 and R2/3, n=2-2), 5 or 10 autotransplanted spleen chips (AU5/AU10, n=2-2). Dynamic (30 min), then SPECT images were acquired by a two-headed gamma camera. Parametric images of the change rate (10-30 min) were calculated. Tomographic images reconstructed using OS-EM algorithm were attenuation-corrected using Chang's method, and the total uptakes of foci accumulating radiopharmaceutical were expressed as fractions of the injected dose. In 6 further animals SE(n=1), AU10(n=2), R2/3(n=2), R1/3(n=1) a SPECT-CT
camera was used.

The parametric images visualized only the spleen and the urinary bladder proving the method's specificity. With SPECT 77% of the autotransplanted spleen chips could be visualized with varying uptake values. Fused display with the CT slices made the identification of spleen chips much easier. After spleen-preserving operations the uptake of radiopharmaceutical did not show any significant relation to the percentage of spleen preserved.

Scintigraphy with labeled denatured RBCs proved to be capable of detecting both retained and autotransplanted functioning splenic tissue in a noninvasive way. From our limited number of cases it was not clear which factors influenced the extent of radiopharmaceutical accumulation. (Grant: OTKA-K105618)