PP 131. The Role of Pathology of Venous Outflow on the Formation of Structural and Functional Disorders of the Ankle and Knee Joints When Comorbidity Musculoskeletal and Venous Systems

G. Kotelnikov, Y. Syzonenko, S. Katorkin, I. Losev

17:30 - 17:36h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P4) - Varia

On osteoarthritis accounts for 60-80% of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Varicose disease is
the most common peripheral vascular disease. Of particular interest is a mutual relationship between
the breach of the venous outflow in the formation of osteoarthritis and joint mobility limitation in
the development of varicose veins.Purpose: Evaluate the mutual influence of the venous outflow
disorders and osteoarthritis feet.

Material and Methods
We examined 564 patients with comorbidity venous and musculoskeletal systems. Mean age 51,2 ±
11,3 years. Of these, 202 male (35.8%) and 362 (64.2%) women. Held Doppler and angioscanning,
CT, rheovasography, fotoplantography, dynamic goniometry and functional electromyography.
Performed 513 surgeries on the venous system of the legs. Orthopedic surgical correction was
performed 1-3 months after rehabilitation.
Result There is a common etiology and pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and venous diseases. Osteoarthritis of
the joints of the foot was diagnosed in 253 (45%), ankle at - 236 (42%), gonarthrosis at - 208 (37%).
Violation of the outflow of venous tone and impair blood flow to the joints. Reveals the relationship
between impaired venous outflow and stage osteoarthritis. Range of motion of ankle and knee joints
decreased due to degenerative processes and pain - 10,3 ± 1,09 °. The combination of disease leads
to functional failure, limiting the main categories of life and decreased quality of life.
Conclusion Violation of venous outflow and motor function leg joints are mutually confounding diseases.
Important to choose the optimal set of studies of the functional state statodinamiki and venous