PP 133. Giant Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Arising in a Neglected Goitre: A Case Report

O. Veli Ozkan, Orhanyagmurkaya, O. Yalkin, F. Celebi, Y. Gunduz, Z. Kahyaoglu, I. Zengin, F. Altintoprak

17:42 - 17:48h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Endocrine Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P4) - Varia

Diffusely enlarged giant thyroid glands are becoming increasingly infrequent. However, in some geographical areas they are still relatively common. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is rare but is an aggressive and lethal malignancy. Since it is associated with severe complications, surgical treatment of giant goitre requires a high level of expertise.

Material and Methods
Herein, a case of giant goiter in a 71-year-old female patient, diagnosed 40 years ago and gradually progressed in size has been presented. Although she was informed about the biopsy and consequent surgery indication years ago, she refused to undergo any surgical intervention. She was suffering of a huge neck swelling with a sense of tightness and heaviness that interferred with her neck movements. She was confirmed to be in euthyroid status. Cervical and thorax computed tomography
imaging studies revealed a giant goiter deviating the trachea to the right and lymphadenopaties appearing as metastatic lesions in lungs and mediastinum respectively.

The patient underwent surgery with a 20 cm lenght eliptic insicion and total thyroidectomy was performed. The surgical specimen weighed 2.5kg, had a right lobe 8.5x5x3.5cm in size and a left lobe 18.5x17.5x10cm in size. The pathological examination reported the specimen as anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.

Thyroid diseases associated with goiter should be surgically treated without a delay since those cases could be complicated with malignant transformation in the gland and considerably increased surgical complication rates due to advanced age and increased size of goiter.