PP 136. Effect of Sildenafil in a Rat Model of Short Bowel Syndrome

T. Bilecik, M. Tahir Oruç, C. Ozben Ensari, B. Mayir, R. Eryilmaz

16:30 - 16:36h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) is a clinical situation characterised by nutritional and metabolic disorders which occurs after wide resections of the intestines due to any reasons.At present day, SBS still has great morbidity and mortality rates.Because of this reason; it is a promising treatment option for the SBS patients to accelerate and strengthen the intestinal adaptation. We aimed to search the affects of sildenafil on the intestinal adaptation in SBS by several physiopathological mechanisms in this study.

Material and Methods
For this purpose, we searched 48 Wistor-albino male rats which are weighed between 231-390 grs (median 320 gr). We searched 4 groups. These are classified as; Group 1 (Control group): Ileal transection + anastomosis, Group 2 (Sildenafil group): Ileal transection + anastomosis + Sildenafil users, Group 3 (SBS Group): 75% intestine resection + anastomosis, Group 4 (SBS + Sildenafil group): 75% intestine resection + anastomosis + Sildenafil users. In the sildenafil groups, sildenafil was injected concurrently on a daily basis starting on the postoperative 3rd day by the dosage of 60 mg/kg/day subcutaneously.

In this study, we observed significant positive alterations of sildenafil on the intestinal adaptation parameters, and also we investigated that, these alterations were strongly marked especially in the jejunum.

After observing the positive affects of sildenafil on the experimental animal models with SBS and inconsideration of its clinical usefulness, we believe that sildenafil should be used in the treatment of SBS for improving the intestinal adaptation.