PP 138. Publication Rates of General Surgery Theses in Journals in Turkey

B. Mayir, T. Oruç, T. Bilecik, U. Doğan, U. Koç, C. Ensari, A Aslaner

16:42 - 16:48h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Innovative Surgical Research, Novel Techniques and Product, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

In our country,the rate of theses published in a medical journal is not very high. In this study,we have analyzed the ratio of theses on general surgery which have been published in a national or international journal and the factors affecting publication of medical theses.

Material and Methods
All medical theses published on general surgery in the Electronic Archive of Higher Education Council Thesis Center between the years 2007 and 2008 were analyzed within the scope of the study. Data regarding the thesis topic,type of research and the university hospital where the study was carried out was recorded.Afterwards,we checked whether the theses were published in a journal or not by searching the theses in three different resources by the name of their authors.

In three years,232 theses were completed in total.116(50%)of those theses were experimental studies while the other 161(50%) were clinical studies.70% of all those theses were published in various journals. When only the theses published in SCI and SCIE journals were considered, publication rate of experimental studies, randomized prospective clinical studies, retrospective clinical studies and prospective clinical studies were found to be 25%,22.7%,20.5% and 16.3%,respectively.

In our study the rate of published theses may seem high compared to previous studies, however, only 19.5% of all theses could be published in SCI and SCIE journals. Therefore, theses should be considered as scientific research and planned as scientific studies not as perfunctory assignments.