PP 142. Improvement in Muscular Workload Through an Ergonomic Training Program

F. Pérez-Duarte, F. Sánchez-Margallo, L. Hernández Hurtado, I. Días-Güemes Martín-Portugués, M. Lucas-Hernández, J. Usón Gargallo

17:06 - 17:12h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Poster Session , Surgical Education and Simulation

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

In laparoscopic surgery there are no validated ergonomic training programs in spite of the multiple benefits it has demonstrated in other fields. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect in muscular workload of a training program based on ergonomics applied to laparoscopic surgery.

Material and Methods
A total of 30 surgeons participated in the study divided in two groups: novice (N) and experts (E). All of them attended a 21 hour laparoscopic course in which our training program on ergonomics is included. This is divided in three learning levels, which include theoretical concepts and practical aspects during the performance of laparoscopic surgeries. At the beginning and at the end of the course participants performed a suturing task on box trainer. During this task, muscular activity of biceps brachii, triceps brachii, forearm flexors and extensors, and trapezius muscles was registered through surface electromyography (EMG).

During the first day of course muscular activity for trapezius (N51.66±26.39 vs E16.35±7.21),forearm extensor (N24.48±13.43 vs E12.13±4.98) and forearm flexors (N22.94±12.73 vs  E5.79±2.94) muscles was significantly lower in the experts group. Nevertheless in the third day of the course no statistical differences were found between experts and novices. Moreover muscular
activity for trapezius, muscle was significantly lower in the novice group during the third day when compared with the first day (N1 51.66±26.39 vs N3 28.48±19.45).

The proposed training model based in ergonomic criteria objectively reduces muscle workload during laparoscopy