PP 145. Mortality During the Research Should Be Analysed; ASD in a Wistar Rat

A. Tulga Ulus, M. Karahan, H. Sunman, F. Pinarli, N. Turan

17:34 - 17:40h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Abdominal Wall and Hernia, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

The use of animal models to study cardiovascular disease has substantially contributed to increasing our understanding of disease pathogenesis. Experimental models of coronary occlusion provided accurate data on the development of necrosis. Perioperative mortality of myocardial infarction model that constituted using albino Wistar rat, ranges 40-60% according the various of studies1. In addition to operative mortality, also animals' cardiac functional reserve has a significant role on mortality.

Material and Methods
We present an animal case (345 gr weight, male Wistar albino rat) which give abnormally responseto anesthetic agents (ketamine/medetomidine).

Pre-operatively performing echocardiography showed that severe right heart failure, right ventricular and atrial dilatation with normal left ventricular and atrial function and dimension (figure, left). After anesthesia, bradycardia and severe cardiac depression were seen, and our rat was finally dead. In the rat autopsy, findings supported our echocardiographic observation: right ventricular and atrial dilatation, liver congestion. Investigation of rat heart revealed a secundum type of atrial septal defect (figure, right).

Although ketamine/medetomidine in combination is used for anesthesia in rats safely, they sometimes induce respiratory depression, bradycardia and diuresis2, 3. Despite safety of ketamine/medetomidine combination for rats, presence of congenital heart defect can result deterioration of pulmonary and cardiac functions and sometimes mortality.