PP 147. Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cyst in an Adult; a Rare Case

D. Pinar, B. Evren Erkul, H. Cincik

17:36 - 17:42h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Evidence-Based Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

Nasal dermoid sinus cysts are very rare congenital anomalies in adults. These lesions are estimated to occur in 1:20,000 to 40,000 births. They usually exist at birth and may appear anywhere along the nasal midline from the glabella to the nasal columella. These disorders are clinically important because of their potential for connection to the central nervous system.

Material and Methods
We present a case of 21-year-old man with a small midline pit on the bridge of the nose from which hair was emerging. He also complained of occasional discharge of pus and serous material from right side of upper nasal dorsum. After antibiotherapy treatment sinus tract was investigated by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. There was no connection to the central nervous system.

Nasal dermoid sinus cyst was excised but one month later recurrence was occurred. An additional surgery was performed for recurrence.

Recurrence is frequent if the nasal dermoid sinus cyst is not completely excised.