PP 148. A Case of Bilateral Branchial Cleft Fistula in a Young Adult Patient

D. Pinar, U. Mehmet Meral, B. Evren Erkul, H. Cincik

17:42 - 17:48h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

Branchial cleft fistulas are uncommon developmental defects of the neck. Bilateral defect is extremely rare case.

Material and Methods
A 20 years old male patient admitted to our hospital with bilateral painless swelling of neck and seromucinous discharge. Clinic examination revealed bilateral branchial fistula. Fistula had been presented since birth. Ultrasonography and computerized tomography with contrast injection confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral cleft fistula and revealed a fistulous tract extending from the cervical neck skin to tonsillar fossa.

He underwent bilateral branchial fistula exicision and there was no recurrens at 18 months of follow up.

We must keep in mind if branchial cleft fistula is diagnosed, we must evaluate the other side of neck.