PP 149. Surgical Treatment of Complicated Forms of Ptosis and Prolapse of Inner Genital Organs

V. Totikov, Z. Totikov, D. Dzanaeva

17:48 - 17:54h at Lanchid Room

Categories: Gynaecological and Obstetrical Surgery, Poster Session

Session: Poster II (P5) - Innovation / Education

The purpose of this study was to work out the treatment of complicated forms of ptosis of pelvic ground with the use of polypropilen net.

Material and Methods
86 patients were made vaginal extirpation of the uterus without adnexa(1 group), 19 was made on operation due to the method carried out in the clinic with the use of Prolene Soft material (2 group).

Excellent results were received in 14,2% of the 1 group patients and in 88,2% in the 2 group. Good results were pointed out in 62,3% in the 1 group and in 62,5% in the 2 group. Satisfactory results were received in 22,4% in the 1 group und in 12,5% in the 2 group. In 12,3% of the 1 group patients the signs of difficult defecation was marked .In 8,2% in 1 group was marked the relapse of rectocele of the 1-2 degree. In 8,2% was marked the prolabiration of the uterus stump. In 6,1% of the 1 group patients were marked the symptoms of imperative urge incontinence due to stress and in 8,2% of imperative urge incontinence. Unsatisfactory results was found out in 14,3% of cases in the 1 group. There wasn't found out any unsatisfactory results and relapses in the 2 group.

In complicated forms of the lowering of the pelvic ground atrophy it is necessary to use additional means of fixing.