OP 111. Investigation of of Tachotop® as a Vehicle for Therapeutic Drug Delivery

A Farkas, F. Rényi-Vámos, B. Gieszer, B. Döme, B. Hegedűs, J. Tóvári, M. Ali Reza Hoda

Chair(s): Thomas Theologou, Gábor Jancsó, Dávid Garbaisz

14:00 - 14:10h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Thoracic Surgery

Session: Oral Session XII - Cardiac and Vascular Surgery III & Thoracic Surgery

The local tumor recurrence in thoracic surgery is one of the most common problems when the lung cancer is could be removed only by atypical resection. The effects of Tachotop® as a surgical carrier containing chemotherapeutic agents will be investigated in subcutaneous in vivo xenograft tumor models of human NSCLC in mice.

Material and Methods:
First, 106 tumor cells will be s.c. injected in 100 microliter serum-free medium into groups of 5- to 7-week-old female SCID mice and their growth patterns will be studied. When primary tumors reach the size of ~1cm3 they will be surgically removed leaving minimal residual tumor tissue behind (subtotal resection). Next, mice will be assigned into different treatment groups, each consisting of ten animals:

(1) control group without sponge or systemic treatment
(2) empty Tachotop® sponge placed into the tumor bed
(3) Tachotop® with gemcitabine/cisplatin
(4) mice without sponge but receiving systemic (i.p.) gemcitabine/cisplatin

The experiments are scheduled to last for 28 days from the beginning of treatment. If no significant differences are obtained between the different groups by 28 days, the experiments may have to be continued for up to 28 days or until mice in a given group will have to be sacrificed. The animals’ bodyweight will be monitored three times per week as an indicator of the sys-tematic effects and tumor progression. Following the termination of the animals the tumors will be carefully removed, weighed and fresh frozen for further studies.

Our conclusions are still under evaluation