OP 135. A Clerking Proforma Can Improve Documentation in Surgical Admissions

R. Patel, N. Gill, W. Richards, A Sharif

Chair(s): Yuzo Yamamoto, Denise Dufrane, Mihály Boros

16:00 - 16:10h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Surgical Education and Simulation

Session: Oral Session XV - Surgical education and Simulation II

Accurate documentation in patients' notes is paramount in facilitating patient safety. We aimed to assess the standard of surgical admission clerkings at our district general hospital.

Material and Methods:
We carried out a retrospective audit of consecutive patients admitted to the surgical take. Accuracy of documentation pertaining to areas identified in national standards was recorded. After an initial audit, a surgical clerking proforma was introduced to improve documentation.

44 patient notes were reviewed in the initial audit (Group 1) and 41 patients after introduction of the proforma (Group 2). Significant improvements were seen in documentation of patient identifier details - documented correctly in 27% of Group 1, which improved to 66% in Group 2. Significant improvements were also seen in time and date of clerking (50% to 70%), medication history (43% to 93%), family history (2% to 29%), physical examination and blood results (14% to 61%) - all p-value < 0.05.

A clerking proforma can significantly improve documentation in a patient’s admission notes facilitating better patient care and improving adherence to legal requirements.